All Norton creepfeed wheels are ideal for heat-sensitive, porous
grinding of difficult-to-grind alloys. These high performance blank
stock wheels can be altered to your dimensional requirements and shipped
within two-weeks of receipt of your order.
Norton revolutionary, proprietary, Vortex VTX Creepfeed wheels are the
best aluminum oxide creepfeed wheels in the industry. They are ideal for
heat-sensitive, porous grinding of difficult-to-grind alloys. These
high performance blank stock wheels can be altered to your dimensional
requirements and shipped within two weeks of receipt of your order.
These competitively-priced, monocrystalline grain Norton 55A-VH Blank
Stock Wheels are specifically engineered for numerous carbon steel
applications requiring moderate to heavy stock removal rates. They can
be altered to your specific needs within two weeks of receipt of your
VPLS and VPHS Worm Profile WheelsNorton 38A, X25A, SG
blended, TG blended, and BRG open-structured, high performance,
non-stock gear wheels are designed to produce high metal removal rates
with less power draw.
The BRGL, a sharp ceramic grain, wheels are available through this FastTrack Service