Versatile Norton Quantum (5NQ) Wheels set the standard for all low,
medium and high force applications ranging from cast iron, to stainless
steel and hard-to-grind inconel and titanium. Norton leads the way with
vitrified toolroom wheel technological improvements to maximize
performance/cost savings.
Choose Norton SG Toolroom Wheels for high productivity/low total
per-part grinding cost. These wheels feature fast stock removal, cool,
superior cutting, providing 3X - 5X more life than aluminum oxide
wheels. Norton vitrified toolroom wheels have set the standard for
Norton 32A Toolroom Wheels, featuring sharp mono-crystalline
aluminum oxide abrasive grain are ideal for medium to heavy stock
removal on a wide range of applications and materials.
Ruby-colored, aluminum oxide Norton 48A Wheels are a versatile choice
for medium to heavy stock removal applications. Excellent for grinding a
wide variety of tool steels at moderate to heavy feed rates.
Pink, friable aluminum oxide Norton 25A Toolroom Wheels are a good
general purpose wheel choice for light to medium stock removal. Typical
applications include surface grinding, tool and cutter grinding, and
drill sharpening.
Dark gray aluminum oxide Norton 57A Toolroom Wheels are an economical
choice for general purpose applications, and exellent for steels and
steel alloys. Typical applications include surface grinding
Norton 39C and 37C Toolroom Wheels are formulated for non-steel
applications. Choose between green silicon carbide 39C or black silicon
carbide 37C.